By choosing this option, you are asking us to research and report back to you by email with a list of the titles of all pre-defined Services that Google shows as selectable choices in your Google Business Profile based on your currently-activated business Categories. Afterward, you can use this same form (then using the section below) to submit one or more service requests to add one or more of those pre-defined Services to your Profile.
Before you request this Research, we recommend that you ensure all of your relevant business Categories have been added to your Profile, so that your Profile actually shows all Services that can be selected at the moment we scan through it to compile the list.
If, at present, you still need any additional business Categories to be added to your Profile, you can send us a Routine Update service request to do that for you first.
If this title exactly matches a Google-pre-defined Service title, then we'll select that Service. Otherwise, we'll create a custom Service with this title in your Profile.